Exercise Physiology

Modular construction...extreme flexibility

MP systems offer features to support nearly every physiological recording scenario. The following advanced features apply to the application you selected.

If you don't see an Advanced Feature that interests you, please contact BIOPAC so we can identify the best solution for your particular need.


Actigraphy noninvasively measures cycles of activity and sleep (rest) over days or even weeks, typically to assess sleep disorders and other sleep-related criteria. Use the Actigraphy Analysis licensed feature in AcqKnowledge® to record long-term accelerometer data of mobile subjects and then analyze sleep and activity patterns; correlate activity levels with GPS positioning for more detailed […]

Anaerobic Threshold (AT)

The relationship between ventilation and oxygen uptake becomes non-linear above the anaerobic threshold. This threshold can be determined by establishing a ratio of inspired volume and VO2 consumption. Anaerobic threshold also known as lactate threshold (LT) or lactate inflection point (LIP) is the point when lactic acid starts to amass in the blood stream. Use […]

Automated ECG Analysis

AcqKnowledge provides a fully-automated ECG analysis system. The software automatically identifies and labels the points of the ECG complex. It also calculates the amplitudes and timing intervals and pastes the results either into the Journal file or Excel® (see table below).

Automated EMG Analysis

AcqKnowledge includes a number of powerful automated EMG analysis features, including Derive Average Rectified EMG Derive Integrated EMG Root Means Square EMG EMG Frequency & Power Analysis   Locate Muscle Activation Derive Average Rectified EMG   Derive Average rectified EMG (ARV) is defined as a time-windowed mean of the absolute value of the signal. ARV […]

Automated Noninvasive Blood Pressure – Human

The NIBP100D Noninvasive Blood Pressure System automatically records noninvasive blood pressure. The NIBP100D system attaches to the fingers of a human subject to output a continuous noninvasive arterial pressure (CNAP) signal. The system will work for short and long-term studies that demand several hours of monitoring. Combine the blood pressure signal with a variety of […]

Camera Systems – Multi-Subject Monitoring

New Multi-Subject Video Monitoring Systems BIOPAC now offers multi-subject video monitoring systems. The new Camera Systems record multiple subjects or camera angles and AcqKnowledge media functionality synchronizes the video to any physiological data being recorded with the MP200 Research System. High frame rate (100 fps), multi-subject, and standard USB cameras triggered by the AcqKnowledge Stimulator […]

Compliance and Resistance Analysis

The AcqKnowledge® Compliance and Resistance analysis is part of a suite of three automated respiration routines. The other two are Pulmonary Air Flow Analysis and Full Body Plethysmograph Penh. Each routine provides breath-by-breath analysis, event marking and exporting of the values to excel. Compliance and Resistance This analysis requires an air flow signal and a […]

ECG Classification

AcqKnowledge® software includes a fully automated ECG classification routine. The robust QRS detector is tuned for human ECG Lead II signals. It attempts to locate QRS complexes and places an event near the center of each QRS complex to classify the type of heartbeat event: Normal—The beat was recognizable as a valid heartbeat falling in […]

End-Tidal CO2 (ETCO2)

To measure end-tidal CO2 on a breath-by-breath basis, use the AFT20 gas sampling interface kit to connect the CO2100C module directly to the sampling port on the AFT25 facemask. Use AcqKnowledge’s rate detector to find the peak of the cyclic CO2 concentration signal. The running peak value represents the breath-by-breath end-tidal CO2.

H-Reflex Methodology

The Hoffmann reflex (H-reflex) is an electrically induced reflex that bypasses the muscle spindle. H-reflex is a useful measure to assess modulation of monosynaptic reflex activity in the spinal cord. H-reflex studies can be set up multiple ways and users should determine the best approach for their required protocol; BIOPAC cannot recommend a “standard” approach […]


New Citations | BIOPAC in EEG Studies

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a highly versatile signal in physiology research Researchers are...

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