EGG: Electrogastrogram

Modular construction...extreme flexibility

MP systems offer features to support nearly every physiological recording scenario. The following advanced features apply to the application you selected.

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Automated Gastric Wave Analysis

AcqKnowledge v3.9 includes a fully automated Gastric Wave Analysis routine. Gastric Wave Analysis uses autoregressive time-frequency analysis to determine the classifications of gastric waves present in an EGG signal. The single wave analysis determines the percentage of gastric waves that fall within the frequency bands corresponding to normal, bradygastric, and tachygastric waves. The analysis also […]

Automatic Data Reduction Using Epoch Analysis

Use the powerful Epoch Analysis data reduction function to reduce large (24-hour) data files to manageable sizes. Analyze both primary signals (such as arterial blood pressure) and derived data (such as Systolic BP). Extract basic measurements from fixed width segments of data. Set “epoch” width to any time interval and key off of scored event […]

Gastric Myoelectric Activity

The normal stomach generates a myoelectric signal (EGG) that oscillates with a period of three cycles per minute. The EGG can be measured noninvasively by using the EGG100C amplifier and standard leads with disposable electrodes. After the data is recorded, the signal median frequency and power spectral density can be determined using AcqKnowledge. This type of […]

Gastric Slow Wave Propagation

The gastric slow wave (ECA) originates in the proximal stomach and propagates distally towards the pylorus. For recording, place multiple surface electrodes on the abdomen along the gastric axis and connect them to respective EGG100C amplifiers that have a common reference electrode placed near the xiphoid process. For consistent electrode-to-electrode spacing, use the EL500 dual electrodes […]

Gastrointestinal Motility Analysis

The ECA (slow wave) and ERA (electrical response activity) components of the electrogastrogram (EGG) can be isolated using the digital filters in AcqKnowledge. To isolate the ECA component, apply a 0.1 Hz lowpass filter to the EGG data. To filter out the ERA component, which consists of spike bursts present on the plateaus of the […]

Invasive/Noninvasive Electrode Measurements

The EGG100C amplifier can be used to isolate elements of the gastrointestinal system for recording, through the use of either surface or needle electrodes. The EGG can be recorded cutaneously with disposable or reusable surface electrodes. Alternatively, the EGG can be recorded using needle electrodes or custom electrode arrays for direct smooth-muscle measurements of the stomach, […]

Migrating Myoelectric Complex

Extract a histogram of the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC) from bipolar EGG recordings. Use AcqKnowledge to perform peak-to-peak measurements on slow waves (ECA) automatically. The resultant peak data can be presented in histogram form to illustrate the presence or absence of spikes (ERA).

Peristaltic (Slow Wave) Propagation

Peristaltic electrical signal propagation can be recorded using monopolar or bipolar recording techniques with the EGG100C and AcqKnowledge. To derive either long or short distance bipolar data, configure the amplifier to record with a common reference (monopolar) and then use the software to subtract one monopolar channel from another. After data collection, use the peak detection […]


New Citations | BIOPAC in Athletic Performance Research

With the anticipation of the 2024 Olympics, there has been lots of recent research on athletic...

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