Automated dZ/dt & ICG Analysis Routines

dZ/dt Classifier AcqKnowledge automatically scores the dZ/dt waveform with event markers indicating appropriate points in the complex to derive additional measures.

ICG AnalysisAfter dZ/dt scoring, run the automated ICG analysis routine to derive a wide array of impedance and hemodynamic measures, such as stroke volume, cardiac output, heart rate, R-R interval, mean blood pressure and more. Individual measures can be toggled on or off, allowing a customized subset of measurement data to be included in the output.

Measures extracted by ICG Analysis:

Acceleration Index
Cardiac Index
Cardiac Output
Heart Rate
Left Cardiac Work
Left Cardiac Work Index
Left Ventricular Ejection Period
Left Ventricular Ejection Period
Mean Blood Pressure
Mean CVP
Mean PAP
Pre-ejection Period
RR Interval
Stroke Index
Stroke Volume
Systemic Vascular Resistance
Systemic Vascular Resistance Index
Systolic Time Ratio
Thoracic Fluid Content
Thoracic Fluid Index
Velocity Index

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