Get Better Physiology Data–BioNomadix Smart Center

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BioNomadix Smart Center

The palm-sized Smart Center allows physiology researchers to collect better-quality data in various locations without moving heavy or cumbersome equipment. The Smart Center collects up to nine (9) signals of biometric data using wireless BioNomadix transmitters, available for all major life science signals: ECG, EEG, EMG, EOG, EGG, EDA, RSP, SKT, PPG, Cardiac Output (NICO), Accelerometry, Goniometry, Dynamometry, and Heel-Toe Strike. Systems produces high-quality signal and include AcqKnowledge for Smart Center software.

When your experiment needs flexibility, portability or fast and easy setup, then the wireless Smart Center is the right choice.

Learn about wireless recording options in “Get Better Physiology Data–BioNomadix Smart Center.”


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