Yearly Archives: 2016

New Citations—Conditioned Stimuli, Postmenopause, and Literature

Conditioned Stimuli and Fear: Conditioned stimuli used to elicit overt behavior is a common experimental paradigm in animals, but not with humans. Researchers at the University of Zurich thus tested whether Heart Period Responses (HPR) and conditioned stimuli are a suitable complement to SCR when testing fear memory with humans. Subjects’ psychophysiological data was recorded using […]

Record Physiology Anywhere with new BioShirt and Upgraded TEAM Systems

BIOPAC is excited to present two new products to expand your research. These are made for wireless, wearable data reading and acquisition, allowing for physiology research where, when, and how you want it. BioNomadix BioShirt: The lightweight, comfortable sensing shirt simultaneously acquires ECG and Respiration data while subjects roam freely. BioNomadix BioShirt contains a respiration sensor […]

Simulating Cerebral Hemodynamics Effects Onboard International Space Station

Before every important space flight precautions must be taken to ensure the astronauts’ safety. Beyond just ensuring that the space craft is secure, it is important to note any potential physiological changes that may occur in space. Researchers Marshall-Goebel et. Al investigated hypothesized alterations in cerebral hemodynamics could cause visual impairment and intracranial pressure in […]

Skin Conductance Response in Partisan Politics

Skin Conductance Transducer, TP

Political scientist Gregg Murray, Ph.D. recently published a post on Psychology Today regarding electrophysiological cues in highly political individuals. In it, he discusses the inherent biases of those identifying with a certain political party, and underlying physical evidence quantified using electrodermal activity. Murray cites a study performed by Petersen, Giessing and Nielsen in which partisan subjects were hooked up […]

TEDx Talk | Beauty and the Origins of Electrophysiology by Alan Macy

Alan Macy recently gave a TEDx talk in Hong Kong on how the concept of beauty influenced the early origins of electrophysiology.  Alan’s talk begins with early conceptions on how to quantify beauty and weaves its meaning with emotional feeling, taste, the galvanic cell, electrophysiology, the telephone, re-tribalization and the global theatre. You can view the […]