Exercise Physiology
Modular construction...extreme flexibility
MP systems offer features to support nearly every physiological recording scenario. The following advanced features apply to the application you selected.
If you don't see an Advanced Feature that interests you, please contact BIOPAC so we can identify the best solution for your particular need.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Analysis Software
AcqKnowledge® includes a series of automated Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis tools that conform to international cardiology standards. It is possible to perform the analysis over user defined selections of data, or automatically within user specified time periods, or between stimulus presentation event marks, or user entered event marks. The user can also create focus […]
Laser Doppler Flow Data Analysis
Full Online Pulsatile Flow Data Analysis The software will provide full online analysis of pulsatile flow data for each cardiac cycle. Use the automatic data reduction function to determine statistical measurements over a user-defined time period.
Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 max)
Maximal oxygen consumption measurements nominally incorporate the use of a mixing chamber (AFT15A/B), facemask with non-rebreathing T valve (AFT25) and an air flow transducer (TSD107B). Typically, air flow measurements are performed on the inspiration side of the AFT25. The expiration side is directed to the AFT15, where O2 and CO2 concentrations are monitored using the […]
Network Data Transfer – video demo
Run 3rd-party applications in parallel with AcqKnowledge AcqKnowledge with Network Data Transfer has the capability to send all of its channels over the network to other computers as well as the same computer. The data from AcqKnowledge—such as physiological recordings, digital markers, and calculation channels—can be used in real time by other applications.
Pulmonary Air Flow Analysis
The Pulmonary Air Flow analysis is part of a suite of three automated respiration routines that are included in AcqKnowledge®. The other two are Compliance and Resistance and Full Body Plethysmograph – Penh. Each routine provides breath-by-breath analysis, event marking and exporting of the values to excel.
Respiratory Exchange Ratio
The Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) is determined by dividing VCO2 produced by VO2 consumed. The measurement is very similar to the setup required for VO2 consumption, except that the produced CO2 flow is integrated simultaneously with the consumed O2 flow. The RER can be presented in real time, with values representing the running average of […]
Respiratory Gas Analysis – Breath-by-breath
Use AcqKnowledge with BIOPAC’s specially-designed O2 and CO2 modules for quick, accurate respiratory gas analysis. For breath-by-breath respiratory gas analysis, it is important to identify the response time of the gas measurement modules. Because the modules sample the inspired and expired air stream directly from the subject, without a mixing chamber to average the gas concentration […]
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) Analysis
AcqKnowledge® includes a fully automated Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) analysis routine that measures the maximum and minimum changes in heart rate during respiration and reports the difference between the two values. The RSA routine requires two signals to perform the analysis: ECG Lead II and respiration. The software locates and marks the components of the […]
Subject Mobility
BIOPAC® has several options that allow for the collection of physiological data from mobile subjects, including wireless BioNomadix® Transmitters/Receivers and Loggers, Mobita® Systems, BioHarness® physiological monitoring devices, and B-Alert X10 for wireless EEG. If you want to record physiological data from ambulatory subjects while they go about their daily routine, the wireless, wearable BioNomadix Logger is the […]
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