Yearly Archives: 2019

New Citations | Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Muscles & Computer Mice

Recent Studies using BIOPACs MP-Series (MP160, MP150) data recorders, ECG Amplifiers, and BioNomadix Wireless recorders: Singing style to infants Mothers around the world sing to infants, presumably to regulate their mood and arousal. Lullabies and playsongs differ stylistically and have distinctive goals. Mothers sing lullabies to soothe and calm infants, and playsongs to engage and […]

New Insights for Researchers Looking to Synchronize Eye Tracking Data

Innovative Integration of Eye Tracking and Physiology Data Now Available from BIOPAC December 10, 2019 | Goleta, CA BIOPAC Systems, Inc. now offers a new eye tracking solution with stimulus presentation that integrates physiology data with eye tracking data. The Remote, Screen-based Eye Tracking Bar hardware and software allows researchers to present stimuli and collect eye tracking data combined […]