Motorik 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015 - Saturday, March 7, 2015

BIOPAC systems research and educational products have been established around the world as a premier choice for life science hardware and software for over 20 years. Learn about educational tools for Animal and Human Physiology, Exercise Physiology, Biology, Psychophysiology and Neurophysiology. Learn now to record and analyze physiological signals such as ECG, EMG, EEG, GSR, Blood Pressure, Impedance Cardiography, fNIR Brain Optical Imaging and many others. Conduct experiments in the lab, in the field, or in the MRI. Basic as well as advanced data processing techniques will be covered. Learn about participant stimulation – ranging from electrical, auditory and haptic stimulation to the use of Virtual Reality. Hands-on experience!

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Biology research covers a wide variety of studies all aiming to understand living organisms...

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