VR Symposium – Fontys

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 - Wednesday, January 28, 2015

  • BIOPAC provides VR Solutions with Physiology Data
  • Create virtual worlds that are impossible or prohibitively expensive in the real world
  • Synchronize events from the virtual world with physiological response data
  • Provide multimodal stimulation: visual, auditory, olfactory, haptic, and electric
  • Record and analyze physiological, behavioral, and subjective response data
  • Apply automation tools to save time and standardize reporting

The BIOPAC virtual reality platform will unlock the boundaries of your physical lab and budget. New VR Workstations provide controlled and replicable experimental setups and allow you to manipulate the environment (and avatars) to take your subject anywhere. VR Workstations have a linking protocol that allows you to use a feedback loop for greater control and automation of the VR world; change the VR world in real time, based on the subject’s responses.

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